SEO in 2024: Riding the AI Wave

SEO in 2024: Riding the AI Wave

Hey there, fellow digital marketers! It’s been a wild ride in the SEO world lately, hasn’t it? With AI shaking things up, we’ve had to adapt fast. But don’t worry, I’ve got your back. Let’s chat about how to crush your SEO game in 2024.

First off, let’s address the elephant in the room: AI-generated content. Yeah, it’s everywhere now. But here’s the thing – most of it is as bland as unseasoned tofu. Google’s not fooled, and neither are your readers. They want the real deal – your unique insights, your experiences, your voice.

So, how do we use AI without sounding like robots? Simple. Use it as a starting point, then inject your personality. Share your war stories, your “aha” moments, your expert opinions. That’s what’ll make your content pop in Google’s eyes (and your readers’).


Now, let’s talk about strategy. I’ve got three killer approaches that’ll put you leagues ahead of the competition:

1. Topical Authority with a Human Touch

Use AI to brainstorm topics in your niche, but don’t stop there. For each piece of content, ask yourself: “What can I add that only I know?” Maybe it’s a client anecdote or a hard-learned lesson. That’s your secret sauce.

2. Optimize for AI Snapshots

Google’s new search experience is giving us a golden opportunity. Aim to be one of the sources in those AI-generated answers. How? By providing clear, concise answers to common questions in your content. But remember, we’re not writing for robots. Keep it conversational, like you’re explaining it to a friend over coffee.

3. Pivot to Video

YouTube is a sleeping giant for SEO. People are hitting up YouTube before Google for many searches now. The best part? Your YouTube videos can rank in Google searches too. Double win! And let’s be real, AI isn’t taking over video content anytime soon. This is your chance to really connect with your audience.

For YouTube SEO, focus on nailing your keyword research (I use MorningFame, but use whatever works for you). Use your target phrase in your title, description, and actually say it in your video. But here’s the kicker – make your content engaging. Show your personality. That’s what’ll keep people watching and coming back for more.

Look, I get it. All this change can feel overwhelming. But here’s my take: AI isn’t here to replace us; it’s here to amplify us. Use it to handle the heavy lifting – research, outlining, initial drafts. Then, do what AI can’t – be authentically you.

Remember, at the end of the day, we’re not just optimizing for search engines. We’re connecting with real people. Share your stories, your failures, your triumphs. That’s what’ll set you apart in this AI-saturated world.

So, are you ready to rock your SEO in 2024? Embrace the AI tools, but never forget the human touch. That’s your superpower. Now go out there and create content that not only ranks but resonates. You’ve got this!